15-17 November 2018
Nagoya University
Japan timezone
The World Research Unit for Heavy Flavor Particle Physics, Nagoya University, will host a mini-workshop entitled as "Hints for New Physics in Heavy Flavor Physics", at Nagoya, Japan on November 15 through 17, 2018. The primary purpose of the workshop is to review the most recent experimental and theoretical works on particle physics phenomena involving heavy quarks and leptons and related topics, which may hint the New Physics beyond the Standard Model. We will also discuss the QCD aspects with heavy flavors. Topics will include; • New Physics in B and Charm Physics • New Physics in Top and high Pt physics • New Physics in Tau and related topics (such as muon g-2) • New Physics in QCD (XYZ hadrons, penta-quarks etc.) • Interplay between LHC and flavor experiments • New idea for future experiments, analysis techniques, etc. Mini-workshop homepage
Starts 15 Nov 2018 10:00
Ends 17 Nov 2018 18:00
Nagoya University